Happy Valentines Day!

02/14/2012 12:55

SOME VERY INTERESTING VALENTINES DAY FACTS from https://www.statisticbrain.com:


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Valentines Day Statistics

Valentines Day Statistics

Statistic Verification
Source: Retail Advertising and Marketing Associatio,
Valentine’s Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey
Date Verified: 2.1.2012
Valentine’s Day Statistics Data
Average annual Valentine’s Day spending $13.19 Billion
Number of Valentine’s Day cards exchanged annually 180 Million
Average number of roses produced for Valentine’s Day 196 million
Percent of Valentine’s Day cards bought by women 85%
Percent of flowers bought by men 73%
Percent of women who send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day 14%
Amount the average consumer spends on Valentine’s Day $116.21
Percent of consumers who celebrate Valentine’s Day 61.8 %
Percent of women who would end their relationship if they didn’t get something for Valentines day. 53 %
Average number of children conceived on Valentine’s day 11,000
Gifts Most Often Given on Valentines Day (Allowing for multiple gifts given)  
Candy 47.5 %
Flowers 34.3 %
Cards 52.1 %
Jewelry 17.3 %
Dining / Eating Out 34.6 %
Clothing 14.4 %
Gift Cards 12.6 %
Other Gifts 11.2 %
Valentine Related Business Statistics  
Number of locations producing chocolate and cocoa products 1,233
Number of people employed by the these establishments 38,794
Revenue of domestically cut flowers $403 Million
Number of florists nationwide 24,600
Number of people employed by florists 123,600
Number of jewelry stores in the U.S. 27,484
Annual revenue from jewelry stores $2.2 Billion
Relationship Statistics  
Ratio of single men in their 20′s to single women in their 20′s 1.2 to 1
Ratio of sinlgle men 65 or older to single women 65 or older 0.33 to 1
Number of dating service establishments nationwide 904
Average number of marriages annually 2.16 million