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Happy Valentines Day!

02/14/2012 12:55
SOME VERY INTERESTING VALENTINES DAY FACTS from https://www.statisticbrain.com:   Valentines Day Statistics Statistic Verification Source: Retail Advertising and Marketing Associatio, Valentine’s Day Consumer Intentions and Actions...

The Science of Love

11/01/2011 15:12
The Science of Love From BBC HOME - Science There are three phases to falling in love and different hormones are involved at each stage.  Events occurring in the brain when we are in love have similarities with mental illness.  When we are attracted to somebody, it could be because...

Sexual Pheremones: Myth or Reality?

11/01/2011 15:02
Sexual Pheromones: Myth or Reality? Life Science Jeanna Bryner Date: 14 January 2009   Half a century after the discovery of pheromones in animals, scientists have yet to conclusively identify a single such chemical in humans. Yet the term is bandied about regularly in reference to...

Only 28 Percent Of Online Daters Are Satisfied

11/01/2011 14:40
Online dating gets a little competition from local matchmaking companies by Jess Wangsness April 25, 2007   For many, cyberspace is the enchanted kingdom to find Prince or Princess Charming.  And, for many, it sure beats sidling up to singles at the local dive bar on a...

The Laws of Sexual Attraction

04/13/2009 00:00
Physical attraction may be as old as time, but new studies are beginning to uncover the science behind sex appeal. Unexpected factors -- like biochemical odors, face shape and voice pitch -- just might have more to do with your choice of mate than anyone ever expected.   Karl Grammer and...