About Us

          "My passion in life is being part of something that makes other people happy." 

                                                                           Diane Gane Founder Honey I'm Home Matchmakers

I am a matchmaker, and in many ways I have always been one.  I am most fulfilled when I am called upon to help someone who needs something done.  I immediately spring into action and go to all extremes to achieve my goal.  Networking is crucial in my work, as I need to find many resources in order to complete my mission. 


I am an excellent networker, and thrive on it.  I am intuitive, honest and people find me easy to network with.    I pull all the stops, turn over all the stones and accomplish what I set out to do.  In this case being a matchmaker, I will do whatever it takes to find you your life partner, the love of your life - your soul mate!


I am very excited to get to know you, and to get started in my search for YOUR special someone to share your life with.  After all, life is better when it is shared so let's get started...and let's get happy together...



















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